Classic Designer’s Choice


Having a hard time selecting a bouquet?  Leave the details up to us!

Our most basic (yet still stunning) design category – this design contains mostly solid colors with minimal shading, and is is finished with leaves.

Select up to two colors to be included in your creation, or let us choose.  *Please note that some white, as well as greenery are included in all designs.

Our boxed cupcakes are baked in a standard size tin/liner, while our bouquet cupcakes are baked in a Texas size tin/liner and are suited to a more generous appetite.

SKU: N/A Category:

The Classic Design includes our most basic, but still stunning, design complexity. Minimal shading of colors.  Leaves complete your edible masterpiece.

Additional information


30 Cupcake Bouquet, 24 Cupcake Bouquet, 19 Cupcake Bouquet, 12 Cupcake Bouquet, 7 Cupcake Bouquet, Standard Box 12, Standard Box 6

Flavour 1

Chocolate, Vanilla

Flavour 2

Chocolate, Vanilla

Color 1

Our Choice, Fall Colors, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Red, White, Christmas

Color 2

Our Choice, Fall Colors, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Red, White, Christmas


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